How important is Social Media Marketing to your Clients? Time to find out.

Alle Ceambur
2 min readJul 27, 2022


Do businesses still need social media managers? Time to find out.

“We want more sales revenue — but also to cut down the cost. In fact, our finance department is cutting down our marketing budget by 30% this year.”

Does this sound familiar? I’ve heard this statement over and over — and more often in the recent post-pandemic months.

But you can’t blame business owners for trying to be cautious and avoid taking financial risks during a time of recession — many of them are in fact struggling to survive and are seeing major drops in revenue.

As a result, most HR departments have already frozen recruitment of new staff and plan to spend less on non-essential software subscriptions and extra services.

Now the good news? Yes there is one! 🗞 This current times of recession present an opportunity for freelancers, marketers (and software developers) to address this gap in the employment market.

So how do you take advantage?

Businesses need to be convinced that they can get better ROI by outsourcing their social media marketing (SEO, content creation or copywriting) to you/your team.

The benefits are many for the company who chooses to switch parts of their work to freelancers — especially in terms of saving on paying for a full-time staff, providing training and extra benefits to those full-time employees.

If you are a freelancer I advise you to reach out to your existing clients and get their feedback. Ask them — or social media followers — what are their current marketing needs, problems and goals? If you can gather feedback on what’s a task/service they’re missing or need helpo with — consider adding it to your service portfolio.

Time to review your freelance services offer and start reaching out to companies to find out ways you can help them SAVE time or cost.

If you’re looking for a professional content marketer to help you grow your website traffic with SEO blog posts or social media content based on strategy — reach out and schedule a call! ☎️






Alle Ceambur

Alle is a Content Marketer and SEO Writer who blogs about startups, business, technology, leadership and all things social media marketing.