My 3 Step System To Writing Perfect Blog Posts (+Free PDF Template)

Alle Ceambur
6 min readAug 23, 2021

You’re here because you want to write blog posts that generate at least 10,000 visits and help you attract new readers consistently?

Let’s face it: Writing is easy.

Getting people to read your content is the difficult part.

Did you know that more than 80% of people that come across your blog post won’t even click to read it?

I know it because I’ve been there too.

I’ve been writing 1000s of blog posts since 2017, spent hours on online courses — but the best learnings came from my mistakes.

So the question is — do you want to save time and money and learn how to write perfect blogs in just a few minutes?

In this post, I’m going to share my 3 Steps Writing Formula for writing Perfect Blog Posts that generate more than 10,000 views.

My formula works for writing business blogs, personal blogs, lifestyle blogs — every kind of blog post you wish to write!

Here Are My 3 Steps To Writing Perfect Blog Posts (Every Time)

Step 1: Curate Ideas For Blog Posts

The first thing you need to do before starting to write a blog post is to find ideas.

Where to find ideas for blog posts?

There are a few methods to come up with ideas.

  1. Based on a topic you want to write about
  2. Based on topics your competitors write about
  3. Based on a topic people are searching for on Google

The first method is the easiest because it allows you to write about things you’re passionate about.

If you’re like me and you like reading I advise you to keep a notebook where you write topics for future blog posts. These are ideas that you come across scrolling the internet, watching a movie, or based on things you hear people talking about.

For example, I may have found a new tool for editing videos and I want to write about it.

But the problem with this idea is that it’s not well curated. And if not enough people are searching for this topic your blog post will soon be dead.

Is there a better method for curating ideas?

Yes there is.

Look at what your competitors are writing about.

Not only that — there are digital tools you can use to come up with topics for your blog posts.

Here are some of my favorite tools to find ideas:

  1. Ubersuggest — Neil Patel
  2. Buzzsummo
  3. Semrush

All these tools can help you analyze keywords and generate topics for blog content. With Ubersuggest you can even type a competitor’s URL and the analytics tool will show you the search terms they rank for and the blog posts that give them most traffic.

Once you have this information, you can use it to generate post ideas.

Build a Digital Editorial Calendar

I like to use a digital planner like Trello to save and organize my blog post ideas. With Trello I can track and visualize my monthly blog content in a single dashboard, categorize projects or add deadlines.

A paper-based planner works too.

I always bring a notebook planner with me whenever I travel so I can write down any ideas that I come across.

But you shouldn’t copy these posts.

Instead, think of “How can I improve this blog post?” — I guarantee you that you will find ways to improve even the best posts.

Common ways to upgrade a blog post include:

  1. Increase word count
  2. Update outdated information
  3. Add visuals
  4. Add internal and external links
  5. Improve the format (shorter sentences, line breaks)
  6. Share a different point of view

Step 2: Develop ideas into an Outline

Now that you know a million ways to write about, it’s time to start developing ideas into an outline.

My advice: Start with a blog title.

It doesn't matter how well you write your blog post content, if your title is not catchy enough — nobody’s gonna read past your headline.

The secret to writing headlines that get clicks

a) Use emotion to appeal to your readers.

If you can get people to care about your blog post from the beginning it’s more likely for them to want to read your entire blog post.

Tip: Imagine writing the headline for a magazine cover. What would make people want to buy the magazine? That’s your headline.

b) Use the main keywords at the beginning of your title.

When you frontload your titles with keywords people will automatically know what your post is about.

And the more specific you are the better.

Here are some types of headlines that get more clicks:

  1. The List — 5 Lies about the Instagram algorithm I used to believe
  2. How To — How to create a content strategy for Instagram
  3. The #1 — The #1 Secret about growing on Instagram nobody’s talking about

Suggested: Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can help you to improve your blog titles.

How to write an Introduction for your blog post

In your introduction you need to answer the main questions your readers have:

  1. What is this post about?
  2. What will I learn from this?
  3. Why should I read till the end?

The secret is to engage your readers emotionally in your first paragraph. Tell them what are the negative impacts of them not reading /not learning a specific skill.

For example, look at how I introduced this blog post.

I told you that “getting people to read your blog is not easy”.

Then I shared a fact to substantiate my statement:

“Did you know that more than 80% of people that come across your blog post won’t even click to read it?”

Now you trust me. Don’t you?

Well, if you aren’t hooked yet, I’m going to share my own experience and challenges that come from not writing good blogs.

“I know it because I’ve been there too …..”


Now let’s write a conclusion.

How to write a Conclusion for your blog post

You should always have a conclusion to your blog post.

A conclusion is where you wrap up your article, remind your readers the #1 takeaway from your article and direct them to the next step.

At the end of your conclusion you can add a call to action button [learn more/shop/try free] or simply ask a question.

Step 3: Proofread & Publish

The final step is to import your blog post in a blogging software.

This can be Medium, WordPress or other.

But before you copy+paste your content, make sure you optimize it.

Tools to help you proofread and check your grammar:

  • Hemingway Editor— helps you shorten sentences and make your article easy to read
  • Grammarly — helps you correct spelling mistakes and improve grammar before posting
  • #YeostSEO— Free Wordpress plugin helps you optimize search rankings

Congrats — you did it!

Now you learned my 3 steps to writing blog perfect posts that get more clicks!

Remeber: always pay attention to your titles and try to make them stand out.

It would be a shame to spend so much time writing your posts — but nobody gets to read it.


If you found this blog post useful, you can donate me a cup of coffee and contribute to my coffee fund.

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Alle Ceambur

Alle is a Content Marketer and SEO Writer who blogs about startups, business, technology, leadership and all things social media marketing.